Our Board of Management

Executive President, Michelle Wise, president@bethshalom.org.nz
Immediate Past-president, Olga Bernstein, olga.bernsteinz@gmail.com
Vice President, Ted Ries, vice_president@bethshalom.org.nz
Secretary, Rachel Zussman, secretary@bethshalom.org.nz
Treasurer, David Singer, treasurer@bethshalom.org.nz

Board members and portfolios
Shane Sampson, shane@bethshalom.org.nz, Maintenance and Security
Arie Rosen, rosenari@gmail.com, Ritual and Education
Kate Bukowski, kate.bukowski@gmail.com, Small Groups and JCC

Co-opted to the Board August 2022, Trudi Sawyer, trudi.sawyer@yahoo.com​, Shammashim​

Co-opted to the Board October 2022, Viv Josephs, philvivjosephs@gmail.com

Rear: Michelle Wise (President), Rabbi Dean Shapiro, Shane Sampson.
Front: David Singer (Treasurer), Kate Bukowski, Arie Rosen, Rachel Zussman, Ted Ries.


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