by Udi | 22 May 2012 – 2 Sivan 5772 | Adult Education, Community News, Israel + Politics, Jewish Philosophy, Learning, Ritual |
A new article by an American student in the Tel Aviv Secular Yeshiva writes about the Yeshiva. One of the teachers will be speaking at Beth Shalom this Saturday night. Join to a night of learning for Shavout.... by Rob Bernstein | 29 Apr 2011 – 26 Nisan 5771 | Learning, Music, Ritual, Speak out |
A selection of cantorial singing of Rabbi Michael Dushinsky, Head of Mattan Shira School, Prague, Czech Republic. Includes the soundtracks, Hebrew text and English transliterations
by Webmaster | 6 Aug 2010 – 27 Av 5770 | Community News, Ritual |
Latest release regarding Shechita
by Webmaster | 27 Jan 2010 – 13 Shevat 5770 | Board of Management (private), Events: suggestions and comments, Giving & tikkun olam, Jewish Philosophy, Ritual, Speak out
Why not write or post an article for others to view and comment? This is referred to as a “blog”, and allows members of the community to comment. This might develop into a discussion group. Here’s how: Log in to the Dashboard (or click ‘site...