• Auckland Progressive Jewish Burial and Benevolence Society AGM will hold its Annual General Meeting on Sunday 26th March prior to the Beth Shalom AGM at Beth Shalom 180 Manukau Road   Time: 2:30-3:30pm followed by refreshments.  Nominations for Committee member roles are open and forms are available from the Beth Shalom Office or contact Sue Berman on president@ajbbs.org.nz or Sue Pezaro at secretary@ajbbs.org.nz
  • Sunday 26 March, 4pm, the Annual General Meeting will take place in the hall.​​
Since Covid caseloads are down, the requirement to wear masks at Beth Shalom services has been lifted. Even so, we encourage you to wear a mask at Beth Shalom as the virus is still circulating. Please continue to stay home and join our services online if you are unwell, even if you test negative for Covid.














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