Hanukkah Candles

Hanukkah Candles

Only 5 dollars a box. There is an honesty box in the Beth Shalom foyer.

Israeli Soldiers Black Beanie Project

The Israeli Defence Force has asked for black woollen beanies for the soldiers. Winter is approaching in Israel and the weather can be bitterly cold, especially at night. There is a need for 350,000 beanies! This is a perfect opportunity for our community to support...


interviews in Auckland Libraries In the early 1990s a group formed to start interviewing Holocaust survivors who had come to New Zealand. The aim of the interviewing spread to include others in the community such as ex servicemen and women and people who had been...

The Jewish Book Club

The Jewish Book Club

The Jewish Book Club Gathering at member’s home or via Zoom Contact Sharon Morris sp@canada.kiwi.nz

WUPJ Israel Emergency Appeal

The WUPJ Israel Emergency Appeal is raising funds that will be distributed in collaboration with the Israel Movement for Progressive Judaism, our Israeli partners, and other organisations. Examples of where the money will be spent include: Informal educational...

Beth Shalom on Facebook

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Israel good news stories

Read, read, mein yingele / meidele

Jewish World News


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