Shul Details

180 Manukau Road, Epsom, Auckland 1023
PO Box 26052, Epsom, AUCKLAND 1344
Tel: 09 524 4139


Office Hours

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9.30am – 1.30pm (by appointment/arrangement)

Closed Wednesday. When the office is closed, please call 09 5244139 and leave a detailed message or email All phone calls and emails are being monitored.


Friday: 6.30pm and Saturday: 10.00am

Services are generally in-person and on Zoom.  Sometimes there is also a Zoom link. Visitors should always contact the office in advance to check.  Please be aware that post October 2023, all visitors or non-members will have to register with our office in advance for security clearance purposes.

Since Covid caseloads are down on a national level, the requirement to wear masks at Beth Shalom services was recently lifted and is optional.  We have supplies in the foyer should you require a mask. Please continue to stay home and join our services online if you are unwell.