When young people reach puberty, they begin to shed the behaviours and mindsets of childhood. They step into their own as thinkers and doers, capable of achieving difficult things. Bnei Mitzvah Ceremonies celebrate that transition.
Our bnei mitzvah students study Torah one-on-one with Rabbi Dean, exploring the wisdom of our tradition. They learn to chant directly from the Torah with their own tutor. With Rabbi’s support, they write a d’var Torah – their own interpretation of the weekly portion. They select a mitzvah project, and realise that they have both the obligation and the power to have a positive impact on the world. They learn the prayers of our siddur, and grow confident standing before a room full of people, sharing their insights.
Typically at Beth Shalom, families sponsor an Oneg – a celebration – immediately following the service, in our hall. All are welcome (no need for a formal invitation!).
Families are expected to be members in good standing of Beth Shalom, to attend Shabbat services regularly, and to commit to fulfilling their obligations – study, practice, writing, rehearsing. Beth Shalom welcomes all Jewish youth, including those with special needs. We are glad to adapt the experience to accommodate different abilities and learning styles; we do so in partnership with parents and students.
Through the Bnei Mitzvah experience, kids and parents learn what they’re capable of, and experience the depth and wisdom that is Jewish culture.
Rabbi Dean would love to speak with you about bar and bat mitzvah, and invites you to be in touch with any questions: Rabbi@BethShalom.org.nz.